Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

1. Bookings

• Bookings may be made through the Your Bruges website (http://www.yourbruges.com) by contact form, email or telephone.

• Bookings confirmed by Your Bruges will be allocated suitably qualified guides to meet the client’s requirements.

• Changes to dates, times, and numbers of clients of confirmed tours will be subject to the Your Bruges Amendment and Cancellation Policy (below 3).

• No unaccompanied minors allowed.

2. Payments

• Prepayments and settlement payments may only be made in Euro (€) by money transfer.

• International transfer costs will be taken by the client.

• All payments must be in Euro (€).

• Payments can be done at the end of the walk in cash (€), or through PayPal.

3. Cancellation and tour numbers amendment

• Refunds for cancelled booked tours will be made on the following basis - Cancellation received and acknowledged by Your Bruges:

i. 3 weeks before the booked tour date: total refund

ii. 2 weeks before the booked tour date: 75% refund

iii. 1 week before the booked tour date: 50% refund

iv. 2 days or less before the booked tour date: no refund.

• Refunds made in accordance with the Your Bruges Terms of Trade will be made by money transfer.

4. No show

• If the client for the booked tour does not arrive then Your Bruges will reserve the right to receive the full cost of the tour

• Your Bruges will wait at the meeting point from the exact time (both given through mail) for 15 minutes. If the client does not arrive then without any upfront warning, the booked tour is considered as ‘No Show’.

5. Cancellation by Your Bruges

• Should due an unforeseen event Your Bruges is not able to start the walk, Your Bruges will contact the client as soon as possible. Any prepayments will be returned according 3 – refunds (bullet point 3).

• In the case of a cancellation by Your Bruges, Your Bruges and the client will try to set a different time or date to start the cancelled walk.

6. Alternations by Your Bruges

• Occasionally we have to alter walks, even after they have been booked and paid for. This is almost always because of unavoidable occurrences outside of our control, and whilst we keep alterations to a minimum, occasionally there is no other choice. Where this occurs we promise to tell you about them and you will be given the choice of accepting the new arrangements, cancelling your walk or opting for a different walk.

• Where you opt to cancel your walk, we will make a full refund to you, and where you decide to change to another walk, you will be liable for any upward difference in costs.  We cannot offer the above options should your walk be subject to minor changes, and what is or is not a minor change will ultimately be up to us to decide, however as a guide we consider a minor change to be anything that does not negatively and substantially affect your originally booked walk experience.

• No compensation will be payable by us as a result of necessary changes to your walk, and we will not compensate you for any losses claimed as a result of any necessary amendments made by us.

7. Limitations of liabilities

• During the walk Your Bruges will warn the client(s) of any hazards and dangers. However, in case of any injury (physical and material) Your Bruges can never be held responsible.

• Your Bruges expects all clients to have consideration for other people. If in our reasonable opinion or in the reasonable opinion of any other person in authority, you or any member of your party behaves in such a way as to cause or be likely to cause danger, upset or distress to any third party or damage to property, we are entitled, without prior notice, to terminate the walk of the person(s) concerned. In this situation, the person(s) concerned will be required to leave the group. We will have no further responsibility toward such person(s). No refunds will be made and we will not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of the termination.

8. Insurance

• Your Bruges strongly recommends guests arrange travel insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances, or those beyond all control (e.g. inclement weather, strikes, seismic events,…). It is also recommended guests arrange medical and personal insurance to cover any medical expenses, loss of baggage, loss of personal belongings, or other such travel mishaps. Guests agree both the company and any local partner operators are not liable for any of such unforeseen circumstances, and hold both parties harmless. All claims to reimbursements for insurance must go directly through the insurance provider, and not through Your Bruges and its affiliates.

9. Reservation – booking route

• You send a mail to info@yourbruges.com with you choice of day, time and type of walk

i.Types of walk

• Classic Walk (2hrs)

• Sights Walk (3hrs)

• Long Walk (4hrs)

• A reply with possible moments is given by Your Bruges

• A reply with agreement of the client is sent

• Your Bruges confirms the day, time and type of walk, with information on the meeting point. A confirmation by the client is mandatory to have a booked walk.

• A confirmation by the client is given to Your Bruges, any deposit(s) of 30% are transferred. Only at this moment the reservation is set.

10. Force Majeure 

• We regret we cannot accept any liability or pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of our contractual obligations is prevented or affected by, or you otherwise suffer any damage or loss as a result of force majeure. Force majeure means any event which we, or the supplier of the service(s) in question, could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid.  Such events include war or threat of war, riots, civil strife, terrorist activities, industrial disputes, fire, natural or nuclear disasters, adverse weather conditions and all similar events outside our control.

11. Privacy Policy

• We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties

12. Partial Invalidity

• This Terms & Conditions agreement is governed by Rechtbank van Koophandel in Bruges and, in case of a dispute that cannot be settled amicably, exclusive jurisdiction is conferred on the Belgian court. guests agree that any controversy between the parties to this agreement involving the construction or application of any of the terms, provisions, or conditions of this agreement, shall on written request of either party served on the other, be submitted first to mediation and then if still unresolved be binding arbitration. Guests agree the company will set venue and jurisdiction of any suit arising from a dispute.

13. Containment of Entire Policy

• This Terms and Conditions policy is an independent document and supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties hereto.